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Free Bootstrap UI Kit

Product description

Free Bootstrap 3 UI Kit, the best starting point for any online project you are building. It magically offers responsive design and easy to use elements. It has became a trademark for the online community of a clean and nice looking interface.

Using Bootstrap straight out of the box doesn't solve design. The team behind Creative Tim strongly believes in this argument and has made this kit following this perspective. Customization is vital for any project using Bootstrap.

So how can you enjoy the Bootstrap benefits and have a facelift for your project? Simply import the Get Shit Done Kit into your project or start building on top of it. It easy to use and integrate.

Bootstrap 3 support

Get Shit Done Kit is a beautiful resource built for Bootstrap. We have redesigned all its components to make it look flat, minimalist and easy to use. The Get Shit Done Kit fully supports Bootstrap 3.

Easy integration

Using it is very simple and it will enable you to refresh you classic looking application. We provide all the necessary CSS resources. To get going, just include 'css/get-shit-done.css' in your HTML template. Your project will get the new look.

Fresh looking color scheme

Every element in the Get Shit Done Kit follows a fresh color scheme going from azzure blue to bright red. Check out the live preview to see the great effect!

Tutorial & Components

To get you started with the kit, check out the tutorial. It starts with the basic to help you.

If you want to see the documentation for the components used inside Get Shit Done Kit, you can find further description here components


All 'Get Shit Done' images belong to guys at Mi Goals. We want to thank them again for letting us use them inside the kit and for inspiration.

So expand you audience, get a new look and enjoy the benefits of having a great looking site! Most importantly, take care of business and Get Shit Done!

Product certified by: Creative Tim
Get Shit Done Kit - Crafted with Bootstrap - the most popular Front End Framework
Get Shit Done Kit - Fully Coded and Responsive HTML5
8 years ago
10 years ago
Handcrafted Elements
Customized Plugins
Example Pages
Community Support
Fully Responsive

Upgrade to PRO Version

Get more power with Get Shit Done Pro. It has a lot more features compared to the free version. We hope you will create awesome websites/templates with this product!

What is in Demo? What is in PRO Version?
Elements 22 160
Plugins 3 15
Examples Pages 1 8
Full Coded
SASS Files
Designer Files
Premium Support

We are here to help you!

124 Web Developers commented on this product
